Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Day In Paradise :)

Today was a good day!  We took pictures and went to Jeff's dad's to get some wood he didn't want anymore.  Airiana saw her first snake she wasn't scared and it was tiny. She was helping load the wood trying really hard and just having a blast!  The picture of her with fountain is because she loves water fountains and I told her when she saw that one that we had been trying to get Jeff's dad to give it up for some time and he just won't do it.  He walked out the door and she looked at him and said "That's mine" pointing to the fountain and he said ok then you can have it.  So now that's her fountain at his house lol.  He loves her to death and she has all the men wrapped around her tiny little finger it's so cute.  They just melt for her.  Hope it doesn't get her in trouble later on. 

Potty training is going well as long as she isn't wearing any bottoms. 

The duck eggs also haven't hatched yet, no pipping either.  :(  The neighbor loves our rooster and is wanting to get one of his own. 

We are going to be working on extending the run for the chickens soon and we are also going to make a separate enclosure I think for the ducks so they can have a "pond" all the time because they are making such a mess of the water.  We will getting a nice new shed from Jeff's dad (Thanks Tim!) and sectioning half off for the ducks and the other half for a tack room I think it will work out nice and it will also free up one of our other sheds up front for the kids toys and gardening tools and what not. 

Until next time Happy Mother's Day everyone!
some of the chickens

more chickens

Our big boy!

Big Boy Again
Chicken coop and temporary run

Cornish rocks YUK!

Ducks under roost and the chickens

Ducks and rooster

Rooster, red pullets and cornish rocks

ducks and chickens
My Black and White Pullet (love her)

Rooster, White leghorn and nasty cornish rocks

Cornish rocks, red pullet, and white leghorn that was supposed to be cornish rock lol

Rooster again

Rooster coming in and red pullet on roost

Rooster at Airiana level and he is still not mean to her.

Rooster wondering what Airiana is exactly

Black Hen

ducks and their cornish rock buddy trying to sleep with them

Ducks and cornish rock trying to get closer

Chickens in run with dogs


ducks and cornish rock again

Outside again

Airiana and Patches

Airiana with her chickens lol

Airiana at Grandpa Tim's with "her" water fountain.  She had the work gloves on because she was helping daddy and bubby load wood in the truck it was so cute!

My Mother's Day gift from the kids it's really pretty!

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