Potty Training
Today I worked with Airiana on potty training. She is doing really well as long as she wears a dress and nothing else. If she wears panties or pull ups she won't use the potty because its hard to get them down. Although she did inform me that she had an accident while we are the store and she was wearing a pull up. She had one accident and panties and then was on her potty chair all day. She grins real big when she potty's in her potty chair. She is real proud of herself for doing it.
Cleaning Stalls
Today when Trevon got off the bus we went out to the barn to work on the stalls. They had gotten way outta hand over the winter since they weren't being cleaned daily (our set up wasn't real good at the start) by they time we figured out what we needed to do to the barn to let it be more accessible to our needs the wet hay had already taken over the hallway and the stalls. Thankfully to dad (of course, as always ) he bailed us out and came with his tractor and when he tilled the garden he also scooped the hallway of the barn (lifesaver). Well the stalls he can't get the tractor in so we had to do those by hand. Bullet's stall was bad at the back half I swear he thinks its a litter box, Buddy uses his stall to sleep in so his wasn't that bad. Today we worked on stalls and got then both completely stripped and went and got some bedding to lay down but before all that we put some lime down to help with the moisture and the smell. Love lime it works so well and its real cheap. Trevon is exhausted most work he's done in a long time but we tacked it and got them both done and they are both fresh and ready to sleep in. He says he's learned it would be easier to scoop a few piles a day the a billion piles a day but we will see. :)
Duck Eggs
The duck eggs were due to hatch this evening (it takes 48 hours to hatch) and I'm a little dissappointed because there isn't even 1 pip yet. I'm getting a little concerned that they won't hatch or they will be delayed and won't hatch until I'm at work :( We will see what tomorrow brings.
First order of business tomorrow. Clean Chicken coop. Second let ducks swim. Third french braid buddy's mane so it doesn't get more tangled. Forth relax for a change. :) doubt that last one will happen but here's to hoping. :)
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