Sunday, January 13, 2013


We woke up this morning and it was a whole new ball game when it came to taking care of the animals.  The entire back of our yard and 3/4 of pasture is flooded.  Two ducks escaped their enclosure and 1 tiny hen drowned (sounds stupid I know but ducks do drown they become water logged and she couldn't get to dry land.  She was washed up as the "tide" started to recede. I will post updated pictures later on.  I am going to try harder to blog better than I have been but this was a shocker to us.  1 night of rain and we got everyone elses run off and are under water to my knees. Also duck taping your muck boots to keep water out worked fairly well but after being in the water for a while it started leaking not a ton but enough to freeze your feet.  It did not come lose from my legs though! we need hip boots cuz it's getting deep!
 This is the front.  we have lumber floating throughout the yard from the stacks of deck lumber to build deck all the way around the pool.
 Notice neighboring yards that drain toward ours.
 This is the sight I saw from the deck this morning. I was shocked and clueless as to what to do for the animals. We did the best we could. 
 The turkeys are out seeing how everyone else faired but the horses are staying in the barn.  I don't blame them!
 The chickens are locked in their coop for the first time ever.  the water went in the front door but the building is higher by the run so as the water goes down it runs out. the fresh sawdust I put in there yesterday after I cleaned the coop is soaked though.  We moved their floating water bucket inside.
 The above pic is of our khaki campbell drake that escaped and survived.
The duck shed has 2 inches of water inside the ducks are using straw and piling it in a corner so there is a place that is somewhat dry to lay.  Hopefully they will make it.

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